Category: Sea Turtles

Mid Project Report: State of Affairs.

Italian: Arriving in a foreign country where they speak a totally different language from what you are used to can be intimidating to most people. However, us M.A.R.E. volunteers took it in our stride, and after 1 month …

Sea Turtle Release, Puolo Beach Complex, 11th May ’17.

In the morning, 4 volunteers made our way to Sorrento where Domenico Sgambati was waiting for us with the van for transporting the turtles. With stifling temperatures already, we started to make our way to Portici, only to …

The release of sea turtles on Ischia

Friday brings a great mission. Úíáó, úíáó. The morning. The first step. Wake up, boy. Be a man, boy. Get up. Damn it. I squint at a watch. It shows 4:30 am. What to do now? Take a …

Recovery of a sea turtle

Last Sunday several fishermen found, roughly a mile off Torre del Greco, a Caretta caretta turtle having problems and not being able to get underwater. They called the marine park of Punta Campanella and Mimi went to pick …

Monitoring a nest of sea turtles

Last week in beautiful beach of Caprioli in Cilento workers and volunteers of “Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Napoli” cooperating with volunteers of “Mare Project” were taking care day and night of a turtle nest of Caretta caretta.In 5th …