Inauguration Party M.A.R.E 2017

A party to kick off the MARE project! All are invited!

Location: Square of Massa Lubrense.

On Saturday the 17th of June (in two days) we will be throwing a party to celebrate M.A.R.E  2017. There will be food, music, and a lot of fun: traditional/typical food from Tunisia, Sweden, Latvia, Portugal and Reunion Island. Obviously all accompanied by music from the respective countries as well as traditional Napolitan music by Camilo de Felice.

The party starts at 18.30 and ends more or less at around 22.00 or when you get tired of dancing… Please swing by and bring everyone you know!


18.30: Games in the Park – Games for the small ones, where they will get a chance to learn more about the rules in the park in a fun way!

20.00: Traditional music – with Camilo de Felice.

21.00: Celebration of the exotic – brought to you by the project MARE volunteers. – Popular music and more, with Camilo de Felice and other musicians.