One ride with the Swiss


20 of them came to our lovely Ieranto no more than a week ago. Yes, a week ago! Which means that this time I am less lazy in recounting what went on. Anyway, they came here to learn more about marine biology. We did our best to give them what they desire.

The plan according to our project manager and leader – to take them in two groups on a guided tour around the Ieranto bay: showing and explaining them everything starting from the mountain formations over millions of years and ending with the importance of the posidonia.

The tour started with everybody in kayaks. Setting off from the beach because the waves that day were too high for us to start from the regular point, which is the platform.


The waves where keen on not letting us get to the very point of Punta Campanella and we obliged – the carousel of waves was too dangerous for us to get there. We continued in another way: this time going deeper in the big bay of Ieranto. There we checked out Zizzinara and Pressepe caves with kayaks. We finished the kayak tour by putting them on the big beach and getting on our fins and masks – It was time for snorkelling! This part, I believe, was enjoyed the most by everyone. The rich marine life of Ieranto always leaves people amazed. We explored the rest of the smaller caves and with that the different types of algae and sponges, and rock formations.


Some of them, being ready for this: where making photo sessions under the water. I can neither confirm nor deny taking part in them.

After the tour of the bay and resting for a bit on the beach we, the MARE project, got to present ourselves. We told them of our doings in the project: monitoring of the bay, study of marine biology, teaching children, spreading awareness on the importance of marine protection. We informed them about the various EVS (European voluntary service) opportunities and the gains that they bring.

All in all, I, myself, enjoyed the day thoroughly. We shared what we had learned with other likeminded youngsters and had a good time doing so. We had a good day.

Have an [insert adjective here] day!