The Project M.A.R.E. 2020 has FINALLY started!

After 114 days of waiting, we have finally started the 8th edition of Project M.A.R.E.. FINALLY!!! We must admit the waiting process was hard, because the world was (and still is) experiencing the COVID-19 crisis and we couldn’t predict what will happen the following day. However, we kept our spirits high and started having online meetings regardless. Thanks to Domenico and volunteers from previous years, who were kind enough to devote their time to prepare us for a successful start of the project, we managed to familiarize ourselves with the goals and the mission of it. We were supporting and motivating each other as much as we could and going through these unfortunate events all together as one big family.

Our first Zoom meeting, 04.04.2020

And who are the new volunteers, you wonder? Well, for that stay tuned for our personal introductions!

A prestissimo! Ciao!