Category: The Life of Marellini


The last week I spent in the Czech Republic. Where I was welcomed by cold weather and warm home. I met some friends, spent time with my family, went through the parks, rode a bike, visited the library …

The farewell is coming…

I have bought my flight ticket for returning to Spain. It feels like just yesterday I got here and had to write my first impressions about Italy… I’ve lived in quite many places and every time I have …

My trip to Rome

While the sea cools, faraway places call our volunteer Radek and boiling blood brings him into the arms of Rome. Six days in six points. The first whole day we walked around historical center with il Colosseo, i …

Latvian family in Italy

I am in a train with my family. We are on our way to Rome. It is a strange feeling to have all of them here with me. To be so involved in my old life, in my …

My first impressions about ex MARE volunteers

In MARE generation 2016 we are just four volunteers so for this we needed a help. The help from volunteers of previous years. Me as a calm, shy Latvian who enjoys her own space (Although. What space? I …