About the Project

The M.A.R.E. project was born to support the conservation activities of the Area Marina Protetta (AMP) Punta Campanella thanks to the involvement of young activists from all over Europe and beyond, who work constantly, for 9 months, at the definition and practice of sustainable initiatives to be carried out in contact with nature.

A group of volunteers do different activities throughout the project: sea and land monitoring, environmental education laboratories, the promotion of environmental awareness and underwater research. In addition, volunteers support the work of the marine park in any way possible, with a wide range of roles that must be filled. Beach cleaning, rescue and release of sea turtles, monitoring of protected areas and areas of importance, communication of project objectives and promotion of environmental education provide a constant workflow.

All this work we do in a collaboration with various organisations committed to the environment, such as Fondo Ambientale Italiano (FAI), Fondali Campania, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (SZN), Ente Nazionale Protezione Animale (ENPA), Tartarughe Marine in Campania and Marine Park of Ischia.

More information and contact:

E-mail: evs.campanella@hotmail.com
Facebook: project MARE
Punta Campanella website: www.puntacampanella.org